STRANDED is a 17-minute documentary that unveils the journey of Bitcoin miners and their innovative quest to monetize stranded energy. This compelling narrative is not just a short film; it's an invitation to explore Bitcoin mining in a new way created by Puerto Rican filmmaker, Alana Mediavilla.
The short documentary is currently screening at film festivals and other live screenings at Meetups and conferences.
Why Screen "STRANDED" at Your Next Meetup?
📚 Educational Value: "STRANDED" dives deep into the concept of stranded energy - energy that is wasted or unused due to logistical, economic, or regulatory challenges.
💡 Inspiring Innovation: By showcasing real-world applications of how Bitcoin mining can be leveraged to utilize otherwise wasted energy, "STRANDED" encourages viewers to think outside the box and envision new solutions to age-old problems like supply and demand.
🗣 Fosters Discussion: After the screening, you'll have ample fodder for discussion. Whether it's the environmental implications, the economic benefits, or the technological advancements, STRANDED is bound to spark engaging and thought-provoking conversations among your group.
🎬 Supports Independent Filmmaking: By screening "STRANDED," you're not just sharing a powerful story; you're also supporting the craft of independent filmmaking.
How to Screen STRANDED?
Fill out this form with your Meetup or event details.
We'll send you some promo images you can use to promote your event like this one below and send us a "proof of screening" picture after your event!
Originally posted March 12, 2024.
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