Is DIRTY COIN "anti-Bitcoin"?

The film aims to challenge perceptions and spark discussions about the environmental and economic impacts of Bitcoin, presenting a nuanced view rather than taking a one-sided stance.

How can I watch DIRTY COIN?

Check to see if we're already screening in your city or host an demand-driven screening in your local theater.

Simply request a screening, choose the date, time, and location, and spread the word to your community. If enough tickets are reserved, the screening will be confirmed.

As a bonus, by becoming a "Movie Captain," you can even earn a portion of the profits from ticket sales. It's a great way to bring Dirty Coin to your town and make an impact!

How is DIRTY COIN related to STRANDED?

STRANDED is our award-winning, short documentary that focuses on how Bitcoin mining leverages stranded energy sources and finances new energy infrastructure. It served as a proof-of-concept for the longer, feature-length documentary film which became DIRTY COIN.

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