Bring Dirty Coin to Your Town: How Demand-Driven Screenings Work

The journey of Dirty Coin has been nothing short of extraordinary, from its inception to the international recognition it's garnered. As we continue to spread the message of Bitcoin's impact on global energy infrastructures, we're excited to introduce a unique way for you to get involved: demand-driven screenings.

This model empowers you, the audience, to bring Dirty Coin to your local theater. Not only that, but you could also potentially earn a profit as a "Movie Captain."

Here's how it all works.

What is Demand-Driven Screening?

Demand-driven screenings flip the traditional movie distribution model on its head. Instead of a film being distributed to theaters nationwide, demand-driven screenings allow local audiences to decide where and when a movie will be shown. This means that Dirty Coin can be screened anywhere in the world, as long as there’s enough local interest.

Here's the process in a nutshell:

Request a Screening: You or someone in your community becomes the "Movie Captain" by requesting a screening of Dirty Coin at a local theater. You choose the date, time, and location.

Spread the Word: Once the screening is set up, it’s time to rally your community! Share the event with friends, family, local Bitcoin enthusiasts, or anyone interested in the film’s message. The screening only happens if enough tickets are reserved before a set deadline.

Confirm the Screening: If the minimum ticket threshold is met, the screening is confirmed, and everyone who reserved a ticket is charged. If not enough tickets are reserved, the event is canceled, and no one is charged.


Become a Movie Captain: Make an Impact and Earn Money

Being a Movie Captain is not just about bringing Dirty Coin to your local theater—it's also an opportunity to get rewarded for your efforts. Here’s how:

Profit Potential: Depending on the number of tickets sold, Movie Captains can earn a portion of the profits. The more people you get to attend, the more you can earn. This is your chance to not only support a film you believe in but also make some extra income.

Free Perks: Captains will receive a swag bag including a Dirty Coin, Bitcoin Trading Card once their event has been green lit!

Why Demand-Driven Screenings Matter

Demand-driven screenings are more than just a way to watch a movie—they’re a powerful tool for grassroots movements. By choosing to bring Dirty Coin to your town, you’re actively participating in spreading a message that challenges misconceptions about Bitcoin mining and energy consumption. You’re helping to educate others and fostering meaningful conversations in your community.

This model also allows Dirty Coin to reach a global audience without the constraints of traditional distribution. Whether you're in a bustling city or a small town, you have the power to make sure this film is seen.

Ready to Get Started?

If you're passionate about Bitcoin, clean energy, or simply want to see a groundbreaking documentary in your local theater, becoming a Movie Captain for Dirty Coin is the perfect way to get involved. Visit our Screenings Page to request a screening and start spreading the word today!

Let’s continue the journey of Dirty Coin together—one screening at a time.

By participating in demand-driven screenings, you’re not just watching a film; you’re helping to build a movement. Thank you for your support and for helping us bring Dirty Coin to audiences worldwide.

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